Basic Attention Disturbances
A cluster of deficits relating to insufficient arousal, or alertness and vigilance, or to inability to focus attention selectively, or to maintain one's train of thought.

Basic Energy System Disturbances

Dysinhibition: Excess of poorly aimed or poorly controlled energy

Impaired Information Processing and Communication Skills
A cluster of deficits related to reduced effectiveness or information processing and ability to communicate thoughts verbally.

Impaired Memory Functions
A cluster of deficits related to problems acquiring, retaining, or recalling information/messages/learned materials.

Deficiencies in Reasoning
A cluster of deficits in logical reasoning, in planning and implementing problem-solving activities, and in drawing conclusions or inferences.

Inadequate Awareness and Understanding of the Consequences of Brain Injury
Problems related to insufficient awareness of the main cognitive and/or behavioral deficits that have resulted from the brain injury, coupled with the lack of understanding of the functional implications of these deficits.

Inadequate Compensation
Problems related to reliable use of strategies in all situations.

Deficiencies in Malleability
Problems related to insufficient openness and/or favorable responsiveness to the influences and remedial interventions of others.

Inadequacies of Interpersonal Behavior
A cluster of deficits in interpersonal judgment and/or behavioral repertoires (note: pre-existing personality characteristics also influence these areas)

Inadequacies in Acceptance
A cluster of deficits in accepting the long term aspects of brain injury.